Alternative Business for Students

A few weeks ago, when I show up as a speaker in talk show on in Yogyakarta, attended some college students from universities in the city. They ask questions that draw a lot of my heart. How can they save? Understandably, not all students receive an adequate allowance. Either because their parents are less able or the student expenditures are large.From there, it appears self-motivation on the student, there is no other way except by looking for sources of income.

No wonder many students are motivated to seek income. What alternative work that could be done by the students? As we both know, a student must have a lot of limitations. One of them is the lack of capital. In addition, they also have a primary obligation that is learning. Do not be, they are absorbed in work, college instead keteteran. Well you know, how's that?
Well, here I give a number of alternative additional revenue that can be run by students.
Sell Goods
Selling goods, particularly those conducted in person, can be done in times of unbound alias time. For example, selling clothes to her friends.Activity, certainly can be done during free time and not much time is wasted. Simply with a few phone calls or offer to friends on campus, showing the goods, and when things are like with the goods, the transaction had occurred. Done.
Many items can be sold. Ranging from clothing and accessories, electronic goods such as watches light, the "heavy" like a radio tape, vcd player to the computer. In principle, all goods that can be used and consumed, can be traded.
What matters must be clever to find a place to buy these items at a cheap price. For those whose capital is mediocre, just enough to buy a few things to sample.

Selling Skills
Students must have skills that can be sold. For example, those who study in the humanities can offer translation services. Like a lecture in the computer field, a lot of choice. Who pursue informatics engineering studies could sell a simple software development services to companies.Those who can teach accounting courses private accounting to high school kids. Who likes to write, can also make a short story and send it to Tabloid NOVA. Who lectures in the field of socio-political?Can send articles to newspapers.
Clearly, the alternative to sell expertise has advantages, namely do not need capital, but expertise. Just bad, sometimes not all students have a sense of PD (confident) enough when they have to sell his expertise. Often they may feel ashamed, inferior, embarrassed, and so forth.
Opening Business
For those who have more capital, open a business can be an option. Start from the grocery store, computer rental or a place to eat. To pursue this effort have to be careful, especially the timing.Understandably, this business takes a lot.Especially the first years. Well how busy if you choose this business. Should college and run a business that needs a lot of time and energy. This business fits the tasks performed during college is not too much.
One more thing to consider is the management, either inside or outside the well. Management into is how to manage money in business, how he is to regulate stock sales, and so forth. While the management of out is how he markets and introduce their business to the public outside.

Become Employees
Another option is to become an employee. In principle, as an employee will receive a fixed salary. But many things to consider, as a matter of time. Definitely do not want, do not you, busy as employees would disrupt the lecture? So, for those who study only in the morning, might be able to choose to seek employment as an employee who only served at noon. Or, for those who attended the morning and afternoon, can work as employees in businesses that run at night, mislanya restaurants or kiosks. In principle, working as an employee does not have to do 8 hours a day and not have to always be 9 pm to 5 pm. Whose name do many kinds of business. Is not that right?
Network Marketing
An alternative that also could be run by the students is to start a network marketing business.In network marketing, the student was like he was opening the store, and she could invite a lot of people in sekililingnya to open stores as well like him. Like a store, in network marketing, the student can earn extra income in the form of profits from the sale of retail goods. It also can pursue other income in the form of network commissions. Well, this is usually "targeted".
Ease of network marketing, the student can run this business at times that he really wanted. Not that he would not be busy. He may be busy, but time is usually flexible. Already then, the capital money required is usually much less.
Hopefully, with your show this article to your child that students, they can be motivated as well in the search for additional income. Who knows if the additional income will suffice, they can save money, and even no need to ask for money in your pocket. Gratitude, gratitude instead you are given.It's not that sometimes what we want?
By: Sapphire Senduk Excerpted from Tabloid NOVA No. 859/XVI


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